Dating singer featherweight 221-1

Dating > Dating singer featherweight 221-1

Click here:Dating singer featherweight 221-1♥ Dating singer featherweight 221-1

Most serial numbers are found on the bottom of a Featherweight... Thanks for your patience. dating singer featherweight 221-1

I'll let you all know when it is finally up and running. Gold-leaf trim is difference and intact. It is now a bookstore. You must have the serial number, of course. The survey has been ongoing since October 15, 1995, which is an average of more than 2 surveys submitted per day. Every detail of this machine is original. This material is for personal use only. Gold decals are 98% complete.

This lovely 221 Featherweight is one of the last to feature an original style badge, which Singer modified in 1951. I have asked Singer USA to explain its system of dating machines but so far it has failed to respond to my letters. Singer says this is a 66-6, mfg'd July 8, 1926 -one of the models made between 1902-1933, the 66-19, they say, was mfg'd between 1902-1960. dating singer featherweight 221-1

buy singer featherweight 221 & singer featherweight 222 machines & attachments for sale - Just before the Russian Revolution 1917 Singer built a vast plant in Russia but after the dust settled it was taken over by the Bolsheviks. The has published the complete list of serial numbers reserved for each production run of the Featherweight. dating singer featherweight 221-1

The following chart is provided to help you have a better idea of when your Singer Featherweight was manufactured. However, the serial number on the machine is from 1949. These dates and the information in this table relied heavily on many others' research for which I am deeply indebted, as well as my own. They will not be found to be perfect, or absolutely correct, but are provided as an aid for your use and enjoyment. Singer Featherweights were manufactured in three different plants: Elizabethport, New Jersey in the USA; Clydebank, Kilbowie, Scotland in Great Britain; and St. John's actually Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu , Quebec, Canada. You can quickly determine which plant your machine was manufactured in by looking at the serial number on the bottom of your machine. Serial numbers for Singer Featherweights are located on a raised boss on the underside of the machine. Lay your machine on its back and look on the left hand side of the main body not the folding extension table. American Made 221 Machines at the Elizabethport, New Jersey Plant Serial Number Produced Date AD 541546 - AD 551545 10,000 October 3, 1933 Total machines in 1933 10,000 AD 720746 - AD 730745 10,000 September 10, 1934 AD 781846 - AD 791845 10,000 November 27, 1934 Total machines in 1934 20,000 AD 880156 - AD 890155 10,000 March 18, 1935 AD 937406 - AD 947405 10,000 June 24, 1935 AD 996956 - AD 999999 3,044 September 23, 1935 Total AD machines 53,044 AE 000001 - AE 007000 7,000 September 23, 1935 AE 054366 - AE 064365 10,000 December 30, 1935 Total machines in 1935 40,044 AE 076516 - AE 086515 10,000 March 25, 1936 AE 207616 - AE 222615 15,000 July 13, 1936 AE 294041 - AE 309040 15,000 November 5, 1936 Total machines in 1936 40,000 AE 407941 - AE 422940 15,000 March 15, 1937 AE 536641 - AE 556640 20,000 June 11, 1937 AE 770591 - AE 790590 20,000 December 8, 1937 Total machines in 1937 55,000 AE 973541 - AE 993540 20,000 May 24, 1938 Total AE machines 132,000 AF 070706 - AF 090705 20,000 October 10, 1938 Total machines in 1938 40,000 AF 161806 - AF 181805 20,000 February 15, 1939 AF 244106 - AF 264105 20,000 July 11, 1939 AF 371856 - AF 391855 20,000 December 5, 1939 Total machines in 1939 60,000 AF 477181 - AF 497180 20,000 April 10, 1940 AF 571881 - AF 596880 25,000 August 15, 1940 Total machines in 1940 45,000 AF 740751 - AF760750 20,000 January 7, 1941 AF 863951 - AF 883950 20,000 April 10, 1941 AF 998251 - AF 999999 1,749 July 1, 1941 Total AF machines 166,749 AG 000001 - AG 018250 18,250 July 1, 1941 Total machines in 1941 59,999 PRODUCTION CEASES DUE TO WORLD WAR 2 AG 526101 - AG 546100 20,000 September 19, 1945 Total machines in 1945 20,000 AG 602856 - AG 622855 20,000 February 18, 1946 AG 689391 - AG 709390 20,000 June 4, 1946 AG 804771 - AG 824770 20,000 September 16, 1946 AG 848346 - AG 858345 10,000 October 25, 1946 AG 869446 - AG 889445 20,000 November 22, 1946 Total machines in 1946 90,000 AG 970946 - AG 990945 20,000 February 19, 1947 Total AG machines 148,250 AH 050371 - AH 070370 20,000 April 22, 1947 AH 111971 - AH 131970 20,000 June 26, 1947 AH 193771 - AH 223770 30,000 August 19, 1947 AH 316071 - AH 346070 30,000 October 28, 1947 Total machines in 1947 120,000 AH 413571 - AH 443570 30,000 January 22, 1948 AH 550921 - AH 580920 30,000 April 20, 1948 AH 640321 - AH 670320 30,000 June 18, 1948 AH 799121 - AH 829120 30,000 October 1, 1948 AH 973921 - AH 999999 26,079 December 1, 1948 Total AH machines 246,079 There were no AI series machines AJ 000001 - AJ 013920 13,920 December 9, 1948 Total machines in 1948 159,999 AJ 103721 - AJ 143720 40,000 March 15, 1949 AJ 189171 - AJ 229170 40,000 November 18, 1949 Total machines in 1949 80,000 AJ 348371 - AJ 388370 40,000 January 23, 1950 AJ 552721 - AJ 592720 40,000 March 31, 1950 AJ 615621 - AJ 655620 40,000 June 1, 1950 AJ 781321 - AJ 821320 40,000 August 22, 1050 AJ 887721 - AJ 937720 50,000 October 26, 1950 Total machines in 1950 210,000 Total AJ machines 303,920 AK 071321 - AK121320 50,000 January 29, 1951 AK 389576 - AK 439575 50,000 May 10, 1951 AK 576776 - AK 626775 50,000 October 31, 1951 Total machines in 1951 150,000 AK 754676 - AK 795675 50,000 February 20, 1952 AK 984876 - AK 999999 15,124 August 11, 1952 Total AK machines 215,124 AL 000001 - AL 034875 34,875 August 11, 1952 AL 158501 - AL 208500 50,000 December 12, 1952 Total machines in 1952 149,999 AL 389361 - AL 439360 50,000 May 4, 1953 AL 524941 - AL 574940 50,000 October 14, 1953 Total machines in 1953 100,000 AL 689041 - AL 739040 50,000 April 22, 1954 Total machines in 1954 50,000 AL 900891 - AL 950890 50,000 January 17, 1955 Total AL machines 284,875 AM 137761 - AM 187760 50,000 June 10, 1955 Total machines in 1955 100,000 AM 361036 - AM 411035 50,000 February 27, 1956 Total machines in 1956 50,000 AM 652586 - AM 702585 50,000 January 29, 1957 AM 771106 - AM 821105 50,000 September 27, 1957 Total machines in 1957 100,000 Total AM machines 200,000 Total American Made Machines 1,750,041 Great Britain Made 221K Machines at the Kilbowie, Scotland Plant Serial Number Produced Date EE 152221 - EE 152720 500 August 25, 1947 EE 452721 - EE 453220 500 December 24, 1947 Total machines in 1947 1,000 EE 458241 - EE 459240 1,000 January 22, 1948 EE 573424 - EE 578423 5,000 May 14, 1948 EE 802479 - EE 807478 5,000 September 21, 1948 EE 853479 - EE 863478 10,000 December 10, 1948 Total machines in 1948 21,000 Total EE machines 22,000 EF 154176 - EF 164175 10,000 May 23, 1949 EF 278731 - EF 288730 10,000 August 17, 1949 EF 558931 - EF 568930 10,000 November 7, 1949 Total machines in 1949 30,000 EF 688016 - EF 698015 10,000 February 14, 1950 EF 700569 - EF 710568 10,000 April 24, 1950 EF 907629 - EF 917628 10,000 July 19, 1950 Total EF machines 60,000 EG 072001 - EG08200 10,000 October 9, 1950 Total machines in 1950 40,000 EG 343861 - EG 353860 10,000 February 15, 1951 EG 433821 - EG 444820 10,000 March 29, 1951 EG 637821 - EG 647820 10,000 May 16, 1951 EG 957781 - EG 967780 10,000 October 17, 1951 Total EG machines 50,000 EH 001027 - EH 011026 10,000 December 18, 1951 Total machines in 1951 50,000 EH 132547 - EH 142546 10,000 February 29, 1952 EH 236097 - EH 246096 10,000 April 28, 1952 EH 370347 - EH 380346 10,000 July 22, 1952 EH 625778 - EH 635777 10,000 October 8, 1952 Total machines in 1952 40,000 EH 890433 - EH 900432 10,000 March 4, 1953 Total EH machines 60,000 EJ 211989 - EJ 298816 5,000 September 4, 1953 Total machines in 1953 15,000 EK 203139 - EK 213138 10,000 February 14, 1955 EK 986373 - EK 991372 5,000 December 20, 1955 Total machines in 1955 15,000 Total EK machines 15,000 EL 537735 - EL 542734 5,000 June 13, 1956 Total machines in 1956 5,000 Total EL machines 5,000 EM 016257 - EM 021256 5,000 January 8, 1957 EM 596007 - EM 601006 5,000 August 2, 1957 Total machines in 1957 10,000 Total EM machines 10,000 EN 235134 - EN 238133 3,000 April 17, 1958 EN 826834 - EN 829333 2,500 October 27, 1958 Total machiines in 1958 5,500 Total EN machines 5,500 EP 256021 - EP 257520 1,500 May 18, 1959 Total machines in 1959 1,500 Total EP machines 1,500 ES 170544 - ES 175543 5,000 November 3, 1960 Total machines in 1960 5,000 ES 239244 - ES 249243 10,000 January 10, 1961 ES 648144 - ES 658143 10,000 May 15, 1961 ES 873744 - ES 883743 10,000 August 19, 1961 Total ES machines 35,000 ET 061345 - ET 071344 10,000 November 2, 1961 Total machines in 1961 40,000 Total ET machines 10,000 EV 776991 - 826990 50,000 March 3, 1964 Total machines in 1964 50,000 Total EV machines 50,000 EW 061691 - EW 071690 10,000 August 6, 1968 Total machines in 1968 10,000 Total EW machines 10,000 FA machines were manufactured from May 1969 to April 1970 FB machines were manufactured from April 1970 to June 1971 Candian Made 221J Machines at the St. I start classes tomorrow, and will be all ready to make my first quilt. Both the Nova's Featherweight Maintenance Card and foot control that I ordered arrived today. I LOVE the Maintenance Card! I had so dreaded oiling the machine. With your card, oiling was a breeze. I was worried about the wiring to my original foot pedal, therefore, I was glad to get the new one. Also, I am a Bernina user, so I'm comfortable with the new foot pedal. I have a feeling that I'll probably always use the new foot pedal now. Oh, I just finished making a quilt top on my 1952 Featherweight. Thanks again for the excellent service! I wish to say that I am very satisfied with shipped items. Thank you very much for patience and service. I hope we will be in good contact in the future. Best regards and sincerely Yours, R. Ivanovic - Beograd, Serbia Nova, I have already passed your site on to a friend with a Featherweight and she has bookmarked you. You are really unbelievable with your customer service and unfortunately that is rare these days. Wish I had found your site a year ago. My sewing is accurate and not veering off at the end of my seams. The acrylic is not damaging the surface of my Featherweight. The metal ones caused scratches. You are a very good teacher and very organized. Thanks for your patience. Great group and I am so pleased with my machine. All material we need. Very approachable and extremely knowledgeable. I will be back! Thank you so much! It was like a big warm hug for my Featherweight and I. T hank you for all your hard work and knowledge. Loved every minute of this information packed class! Your tips and hints are better than any I have read or seen elsewhere. I am a new Featherweight owner and this class has made me feel more comfortable with using and maintaining my machine! Thank you for teaching it!! I felt accomplished instructor was well prepared. Nothing was left half done. Thank you sooo much. The best class ever! I've taken it twice and still learned something new. Nova is THE BEST!!

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